My good friends Bobby and Emily Johnson ordered this Mesa Temple painting as a wedding gift to Todd and I. The artist, Marcia Johnson, did a beautiful job with this. Notice the image in the reflecting pool is Christ surrounded by his sheep. If you want to look at more paintings done by this artist, her website is:
"Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it." Miss Stacey, Anne of Green Gables
Kristine Marie Kirk
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Mesa Temple Painting
My good friends Bobby and Emily Johnson ordered this Mesa Temple painting as a wedding gift to Todd and I. The artist, Marcia Johnson, did a beautiful job with this. Notice the image in the reflecting pool is Christ surrounded by his sheep. If you want to look at more paintings done by this artist, her website is:
Finals Week at BYU
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The song is titled "Lucky" sung by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillet - two of my favorite artists these days.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Midnight "Y" Hike

Here's a random memory from our dating days......
This picture was taken the night that Todd and I decided to hike the "Y". We packed snacks and a blanket. The view was beautiful, but the most memorable part of that night was when we got locked inside the parking lot. There were several other cars of people stuck too. Eventually, some cops came to open the gate for us. Well, that's what you get when you don't keep curfew! But it was still a blast! I love making good memories with this man.....
Sunday, July 27, 2008
My perspective of the engagement
July 22, 2008
Getting Ready
I sped home as fast as I could – picking up flowers and a birthday card for my roommate. Season (another roommate) had the curling iron hot and ready to work its magic with my head of stubbornness. It took her 1 ½ hours. Needless to say my hair did look absolutely amazing. The other half hour I spent doing my make-up and getting dressed. I wonder how long it took Todd to get ready that night. Maybe five minutes I’m guessing. Well, he did look really good in his deep blue collared shirt and tie. I wore my sexy black dress (only 12 dollars at ROSS) and black heels.
I requested Italian food, so Todd took us to Ottavio’s – a lovely Italian restaurant on Center Street. The food was divine. Well, my dish was good, but his kind of tasted like raw chicken that was boiled.
Jazz Concert
Todd’s good friend from freshman year – Josephine Scere – was singing her original jazz songs at Muse Music that night with her band. She sang with her heart the whole night and I love her voice! She even dedicated a song to Todd and me. I forget the title of the song, but something like being wrapped up in your finger. It was so funny because she announced that we were in love and at the end of the song, improvised our names into the melody so it really was just for us! It was way too cute! Later on, I would find out she knew of Todd’s plans that night and decided to give us an added special element. Thanks Josie! I’ll never forget it!
So, this is the point where I started to question at every moment if whether or not he would do it. He took me to Rock Canyon Park (behind the Provo Temple) and we danced to a slow Lifehouse song in the middle of the field under the stars. I remember seeing him pull something out of his pocket………which turned out to be his IPod. A cool detail to add is that the name of the song we danced to was “Storm” and there just so happened to be a little lightning in the sky at the time. The song ended and we walked back to the car. I could feel myself losing control of the anxious feeling I had been trying to suppress all day long. It had to be soon!
“I figure the best way to end our super date is to park at our spot by the temple.” That’s the spot we usually go to when we need to have a serious discussion. That’s where we sat when we officially became an exclusive couple. That’s where we sat when we first seriously talked about taking our relationship much more seriously. Anything that needed a serious tone, we’ve usually driven to that spot. So, of course I’m thinking this was going to be it. “Well, is there anything you’d like to talk about since we’re here?” he said in a very nonchalant tone. A bit confused, my reply was “No, is there something that’s on your mind?” His response: “Not really.” Okay, what the??? So we sat there for a while longer talking about random things I can’t remember because my thoughts were racing wildly at this point. What is he up to?? It was about 11:00 PM when I heard him say “That’s pretty much it. I don’t have any more activities planned for the night so it would probably be best if I just took you home.” I hope it didn’t show on my face, but I imagined my jaw dropping in half a second. “Oh honey, I’m not that tired and I’d love to just sit here with you for a while longer.” You see, we’ve never ended an outing early. Maybe late. Never early. Immediately, his comeback was “It’s been a really nice night Kristi. I’d rather not drag it on.” It still pricks at my heart when I recall him speaking that line!! I’d rather not drag it on??!!! I stared out the window the whole way home – fighting the swells of tears in my eyes.
Drop Off
Todd drove me next to my apartment stairwell and remained seated – seatbelt still intact. “Good night honey. I love you.” I reciprocated his words only a little softer. I couldn’t believe this! I was really thinking…….nay, expecting him to propose tonight! I walked up the 3 flights of stairs to my apartment door, waved goodbye, and watched him drive away. He hadn’t even walked me up to my door! I had decided on my way up the stairs that I would let my watery eyes do as they please as soon as I got inside.
The Proposal
I unlocked the door and opened it. I didn’t know my heart could go from the floor to the sky so quickly! I had to stand there for a few seconds so my body could catch up with my mind – if it was even working at this point. I heard my absolute favorite slow song playing in the background – Michael Buble “That’s All”. I saw candles lit on the table and entertainment center in the living room. I also immediately picked up on the trail of rose petals leading from the front door to the kitchen. I followed it very slowly thinking “This could be for Bobbi’s birthday. Don’t jump to conclusions.” I already had though – before I even saw the note. The rose petals led me to our kitchen table and on it, a bouquet of red roses and white lilies with some more candles. There was a note with my name on it that said, “Hey Beautiful, Come back outside. Love, Scrappy.” I stood there for a moment longer before I walked down the path of rose petals again to the front door. I opened it up to see Todd racing up the stairs with the biggest and proudest smile on his face. Yeah, he got me. When he walked in the first thing he says is “Hey, this is really nice. Who do all this?” Okay, I think you’ve tortured me long enough Mr. Kirk. Get to it now! We walked back into the kitchen and he danced with me to the song still playing in the background. Every moment seemed like forever so I can’t remember exactly how long we danced. But after a while, he pulled me back to look in my eyes and said, “Kristine Hardy, I love you so much.” Then, there it was. It was the moment every girl dreams about her whole life and it was right there in front of me. He got down on one knee and asked, “Will you be my wife?” Overcome by my excitement and especially after feeling somewhat hurt only 2 minutes earlier, I didn’t wait more than a second to shout back at him “Heck yes I will!!!” My smile was so big and out of my control that it kind of hurt my face! But I couldn’t help it! We hugged for so long after that. I really was so overwhelmed with joy that he had to snap me back to reality when he said “So, do you want to put it on?” “Um…YES!” Here’s another cute detail: just as Todd was sliding the ring on my finger, the song in the background was fading with Michael’s last word and the orchestra drifted away into silence. I felt like I was living in a fairy tale! It was incredible! Denae (another roommate and apparently an accomplice in Todd’s plans) had bought a bottle of sparkling cider and some champagne glasses for us to celebrate with that night. It was all so romantic! I loved every moment. And the thought that keeps me smiling with the same blissful feeling as I felt that night is the beautiful and miraculous fact that Todd and I are going to spend all of eternity together………..
Todd Kirk and Kristine Hardy
Engaged on July 22, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Hardy Girls in Town

My sisters decided to take a trip up here to spend some time with me for 4th of July weekend! They arrived late last Wednesday night and left on Sunday morning. It was a big slumber party for 2 nights at my place and then they relocated to my uncle's place in Orem for the next 2 nights.
Thursday was Provo day. We walked around BYU campus including a trip to the new Hinckley building. Todd graced us with his storytelling skills as we gathered around to listen to the walnut tree story. We ate at J-Dawgs for lunch and headed off to the mall - Todd's very favorite place in the whole world! Well, I'm sure he didn't mind this time since we did some ring shopping and found one that must have been made just for me. And this experience felt much more enjoyable than the first one. If you want details about that embarrassing story, you'll have to ask Todd. He really likes to recapture that entire event. Anywho, our night time entertainment was Rock Band. My sisters really got into it!
Friday the 4 of us went to Lagoon. I love roller coasters! We had a blast! By the end of the night, I was so dead tired that when the girls were at my uncle's and Todd and I were at my apartment cuddling on the couch, I fell asleep and kicked him off the couch! Poor Todd.
Saturday we drove to Salt Lake. A walk around Temple Square, a tour of the Conference Center, and the Joseph Smith movie. That's pretty much the Salt Lake tour for a mormon. I always shed a tear or two during that movie! Afterwards, we met up with Todd and my good friends Jonny & McKenzi (and their little baby girl) to go to an aquarium. I got to touch a sting ray! We spent the rest of the night playing games and making snow cones on my uncle's front lawn. Mmmm!
I miss my family like crazy! It was awesome having them around for a few days. I had some realizations of why I do certain things. We're crazy! I love it!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Sunday Talk
I gave a talk this past Sunday about inspiration. I wasn't as prepared as I could've been as far as organizing my thoughts, but I was pleased to be greeted by several friends who appreciated some new insights they had. I wanted to list some keypoints I learned with my preparations:
-If you are seeking inspiration from the Lord, ask yourself these questions
*Am I counseling with the Lord? (see Alma 37:36-37)
*Is my heart in the right place? (see Moroni 10:3-5)
*Could there be something in my life that is interfering with my spiritual connection?
*Do I understand how the Spirit speaks to me? (see D&C 8:2)
*Am I creating the appropriate balance between agency and inspiration? (D&C 9:8-9)
-"If you feel that God has not answered your prayers, then carefully look for evidence in your own life of His having already answered you." (Elder Scott)
-We are taught correct principles and then we are expected to govern ourselves.
-"Men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness. For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves." (D&C 58:27-28)
-"There's a fine balance between agency and inspiration. We're expected to do in our power and then to seek an answer from the Lord, a confirming seal that we've reached the right conclusion; and sometimes, happily, in addition, we get added truths and knowledge that we hadn't even supposed." (Elder McConkie)
-"All I did was pray to the Lord and ask for some guidance and direction in connection with the decision that I'd reached. A more perfect thing to have done would have been to counsel with him relative to the decision and get a spiritual confirmation that the conclusion, which I by my agency and faculties had arrived at, was the right one." (Elder McConkie)
-"We're entitled to the spirit of revelation, but what I'm attempting to teach is that there's a proper way and a procedure, and there are conditions that we must meet before we get the spirit. It is our obligation to go to work on our problems and then counsel with the Lord and get the ratifying seal of the Holy Spirit on the conclusions that we've reached; and that ratifying seal is the spirit of revelation." (Elder McConkie)
-"When we receive help from our Father in Heaven, it is in response to faith, obedience, and the proper use of agency." (Elder Scott)
-Learning how to recognize and obtain revelation is a lifetime process.
-"By learning and understanding the Spirit of God and understanding it, you may grow into the principle of revelation." (President Packer)
-"And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." (John 14:16-18)
Inspiration works a little differently with each individual. What remains the same is God's love for you and his desire to bless your life. "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you."
-If you are seeking inspiration from the Lord, ask yourself these questions
*Am I counseling with the Lord? (see Alma 37:36-37)
*Is my heart in the right place? (see Moroni 10:3-5)
*Could there be something in my life that is interfering with my spiritual connection?
*Do I understand how the Spirit speaks to me? (see D&C 8:2)
*Am I creating the appropriate balance between agency and inspiration? (D&C 9:8-9)
-"If you feel that God has not answered your prayers, then carefully look for evidence in your own life of His having already answered you." (Elder Scott)
-We are taught correct principles and then we are expected to govern ourselves.
-"Men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness. For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves." (D&C 58:27-28)
-"There's a fine balance between agency and inspiration. We're expected to do in our power and then to seek an answer from the Lord, a confirming seal that we've reached the right conclusion; and sometimes, happily, in addition, we get added truths and knowledge that we hadn't even supposed." (Elder McConkie)
-"All I did was pray to the Lord and ask for some guidance and direction in connection with the decision that I'd reached. A more perfect thing to have done would have been to counsel with him relative to the decision and get a spiritual confirmation that the conclusion, which I by my agency and faculties had arrived at, was the right one." (Elder McConkie)
-"We're entitled to the spirit of revelation, but what I'm attempting to teach is that there's a proper way and a procedure, and there are conditions that we must meet before we get the spirit. It is our obligation to go to work on our problems and then counsel with the Lord and get the ratifying seal of the Holy Spirit on the conclusions that we've reached; and that ratifying seal is the spirit of revelation." (Elder McConkie)
-"When we receive help from our Father in Heaven, it is in response to faith, obedience, and the proper use of agency." (Elder Scott)
-Learning how to recognize and obtain revelation is a lifetime process.
-"By learning and understanding the Spirit of God and understanding it, you may grow into the principle of revelation." (President Packer)
-"And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." (John 14:16-18)
Inspiration works a little differently with each individual. What remains the same is God's love for you and his desire to bless your life. "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you."
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
My Life's Categories

The main categories that surround my life are as follows:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, my family, friends, school (BYU), and my amazing boyfriend. These are the things that hold great importance and priority to me. I have a great love for the gospel of Jesus Christ who is my Savior. I have a great appreciation for my family whom I love more than I could express. I am so grateful for the friends God has placed in my path - past and present. I know I've needed each one of them for a reason and they have shaped me into the person I am today - a person I am grateful to be. I love BYU! I am so glad I chose this path for my education. I have a love for teaching and I don't think I'll ever regret choosing Elementary Education as my major. I also have an incredibly handsome blue-eyed boy in my life who really does consume most of my time. He is my very best friend and I'm absolutely crazy about him! Anywho, I'd like to think I'm at a good point in my life right now. Everything is just good. I don't know how else to say it. I couldn't be happier.
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