I need some marriage advice. Anybody care to share? I know it's hard to give advice to somebody without knowing the information on what you're giving the advice about, but I'm just asking for general marriage advice. What's something you had to overcome and how did you overcome it?
How much can you type in one comment? We don't have a perfect marriage, but I think that Nate and I have really come a long way in 2 years. It takes some time to really learn each other and to know what reaction you will get from your spouse in different situations. Does that make sense? The best advice that I got was that if you put your husband's wants and needs before your own, then he will do the same for you. Imagine life without him, it will really help put things into perspective. I hope this helps, that first year is wonderful and difficult at the same time!
P.S. There's a really great article in the Sept. Ensign under questions & answers on page 17. The question just happens to be, " What was the best marriage advice you ever recieved?" good luck!
P.P.S. When are we going to meet? I kinda feel like I already know you, thanks to blogging.
This will sound simple, but the scriptures say it best: "Love one another. As I have loved you, love one another." And if, after patience and trials of all kinds, after 33 years you can say you love your spouse more than you thought possible, then maybe you are starting to really love. I love you. Thanks for being a sweet daughter.
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