This picture just makes me smile and laugh.
I loved all the wonderful comments I received from my last post. Thank you for your sincere thoughts and advice. I just needed a little upliftment. Just hearing advice makes me feel better, especially from friends and family whom I can feel their love just by reading their thoughts or hearing their voices.
Ever since school began, I haven't had time to take a breath. I leave for school at 7:30 each morning and return around 4:00 PM. During school, I'm lucky if I can use an hour's worth of preparation time. I've taken over the basic routines of the classroom so far, and I'm beginning a math unit tomorrow. I also have a Social Studies unit to start next Monday, and a Legends unit for writing to start on Monday. Teaching, planning, collaborating. That's half of my work day. I also have to be on top of my Teacher Work Sample - a project that I must pass in order to graduate and receive my teaching license. The TWS is a compilation of assignments that require much time, thought, research, and sweat. The cherry on top of my life - Children's Literature Independent Study. I have to read at least 10 books a week if I am to get it done in time. Although, I can't allow myself to complain about that extra burden. First of all, I was dumb enough to procrastinate the class until 2 weeks before student teaching starts. Second, I really enjoy the books. In a way, they are my outlet. They are my escape from the stressful thoughts and tired feelings I acquire so easily these days.
When I'm not doing my lesson plans, TWS, or Children's Lit, I am trying to keep up our apartment. I didn't have much time before school started to get everything in order the way I would've liked, so of course now that school has started, there's always something that needs to be done around the apartment.
I am so looking forward to that oh so close adventure that awaits Todd and I in China. I also look forward to graduating from BYU. My dad is sure proud. He's the one I owe my education to. Most semesters were funded by him. Sure I did what I could, but it certainly wouldn't have been enough to support myself.
I love my husband so much. He does his best to support me in my school work. I gave him a long, fierce kiss the other day when I came home to a beautiful, clean apartment. It is certainly true that your environment affects your mood and clarity of thought. Todd pried me away from my books last night to take me to the dollar movies. We saw "Up". It was delightful!! I admit though, a couple times my thoughts wandered and knots developed in my stomach because I knew so much needed to be done. But the story was incredibly inspiring and in between the knots were definitely feel-good-feelings.
I love my dear friends and my dear family. I was born into an incredible family who might not be perfect, but my most favorite and happiest memories involve them. And there's no doubt I have been greatly blessed because I married into another family who makes me laugh and keeps me going. I am loved. Life may be hard and it will probably get harder, but I know I am loved and blessed.
The sacrifice in time and effort you make this semester will be worth it. And then you and Todd can relax and enjoy the experience in China together. We love you. Dad
kristi i love you!!!
You are doing great. This sacrifice you are making to finish your education now will make all the difference as you guys go into the future. I'm so honored you are part of our family :)
I love you Kristi Kirk. Before you know it all this will be over in December and you'll look back and see the great journey you took to get there.
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